About 3coach

About us

Discover the powerful duo behind 3COACH: Leslie De Cuyper and Christian Meuser. Together, they combine their passion and expertise to guide athletes to extraordinary performances. With a balanced mix of experience and knowledge, they offer a goal-oriented approach that leads athletes to personal success.

Read our manifesto
Coach 1Leslie Decuyper

Leslie De Cuyper

Endurance coach specializing in long-distance triathlon. With more than 15 years of experience in the sport, Leslie has refined his skills and knowledge to help athletes achieve their peak performance. He has an impressive personal best of 9 hours in the Ironman and has qualified for and competed at the World Championships in Kona multiple times.Leslie's athletic journey began at a young age with karate, where he competed internationally until his twenties. This lifelong dedication to sports has shaped his philosophy that sports are not just a hobby, but a lifestyle. He combines a demanding career in digital experiences with his love for sports and coaching. He understands better than anyone what it takes to balance high-level performance with a busy schedule, making him a relatable and effective coach for athletes who juggle multiple commitments.

Christian MeuserChristian Meuser

Christian Meuser

Christian Meuser, a trained engineer, has been happily married to Martine for 46 years and is proud of his daughter Aline and grandchildren Reinout and Flore. Nicknamed Xtian, he discovered his love for sports at an early age but didn't seriously start structured training and competitive sports until he was 32. Triathlon has been his passion since 1989, with a focus on the entire distance since 1993. In 1996, he won the title of Belgian Champion 1/1 triathlon and won the superprestige in the 40+ category. As a 59-time Ironman finisher, including 18 times in Hawaii, he has won numerous victories and podium finishes. As the initiator of “Proud to be clean”, a project from the 90s that promoted doping-free sport, Xtian has always been committed to integrity in sport. After more than 10 years of coaching at Jos Henderieckx - Nottebohm Hart & Sport Academy, he further developed as a triathlete and coach.

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